Welcome to dgdoggear.com website,
This website and e-shop were established in early 2008 in reaction to the unavailability of sighthound accessories in the Czech Republic, as well as
abroad. The idea first appeared in summer 2007. In Fall of the same year was created the first collection of goods.
We are a purely Czech company and our products are manufactured in the Czech Republic. Our products are distributed under the DG DogGear brand, which is a registered trade mark.
At the beginning became our chief products clothes and collars that we produced according to original and by us developed styles, manufacturing processes and designs. Today is our reach much greater. You can find here from clothes that we produce by ourselves, through special feed, to racing shirts that are used by many of the world racing champions.
We pay great attention mainly to the functionality of the clothing, used materials, details, and safety of your dogs. All the clothing is hand made and fits all sizes of hounds from the tiniest Italians to greyhounds. You can be sure that your hound dressed in our apparel will look cool and stylish.
We strive to improve our products all the time, search for new product to include in the range of stuff we sell, and offer you only the best.
If you are missing any products on our website, let us know and we will do our best to satisfy your requirement.
Why shopping with us?
1. We were the first e-shop focusing entirely on complex sighthound accessories. Upon our experience we make our own products for sighthounds and their owners and sell it under the DG DogGear brand.
2. A lot of products aimed at sighthounds we introduced to the world market as the first.
3. Most of the products we offer are stored in our warehouse, which means you do not have to wait for them or order them in a complicated way. We keep restocking all the time.
4. The materials used for the production of our DG DogGear collection are produced in EU countries and most of them are certified or tested for quality.
pleasant shopping
company owner Renáta Ivánek
general manager Luboš Kollarik
main designer Jan Dědek
leader sewing workroom Monika Cigánková